JANE N. SLATER 508-645-3378 (slaterjn@comcast.net) Chilmark is enduring yet another winter storm as I write. Whiteout conditions midday...
Temperature: Precip. Day Max. Min. Inches. Fº Fº Jan. 7 34 18 .00 Jan. 8 38 30 Trace* Jan. 9 40 28 .24 Jan. 10 34 25 .00 Jan. 11 34 25 .00...
Hello Isabelly Leisle B. Belo and Wagner Amaral Belo of Edgartown announce the birth of a daughter, Isabelly Amaral Belo, born on Jan. 6, 2011, at...
Ophelia Arrives Ramona Black Larsen and Simon Day Larsen of Vineyard Haven announce the birth of a daughter, Ophelia Black Larsen, born on Jan. 6...
Tomorrow night’s gibbous moon appears in the zodiacal constellation Taurus. The moon is right beside Hyades, one of the most visible and largest star...
Helena Film on Saturday The Martha’s Vineyard Film Society screens Helena from the Wedding at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan 15. The film will be...
Why Can’t Grownups Have Story Time? It is cold outside. Snow dots the landscape. Smoke billows from chimneys. Stars light the way on Island roads...
Sugar Rush for Kids IMP presents theatre by kids, for kids at the Katharine Cornell Theatre in Vineyard Haven Jan. 21 through 23. The...
Take the Microphone WVVY 93.7 LPFM is community radio at its best. Broadcast from Martha’s Vineyard, this grassroots organization hosts an...
Wii Will Return As part of its Focus on Fitness programming the Edgartown Library will launch a free Wii Dance Dance Revolution workout on...
Been walking the walk but don’t know how to talk the talk? On Saturday, Jan. 22 Perry Garfinkel, a contributor to the New York Times, National...
Boot Up: Brickyard Walk Explore the Menemsha Hills brickyard ruins, the last remnants of a once prosperous Vineyard industry, on a guided walk...
