The Martha’s Vineyard Commission’s so-called DRI checklist — which determines what projects go to the commission for review as developments of...
High winds, raging seas and strong currents have been hard on Chappaquiddick this winter. Large areas of beach down at Wasque have been moved and...
Technology changes every day, there’s no getting around it. One day we’re sporting the latest flip phone and the next we’re having a video...
Acting well out of the public eye, Dukes County sheriff Michael McCormack quietly agreed last month to allow Kelly McCarron, the young woman who...
The Oak Bluffs selectmen kicked off their first meeting of the new year on a sour note as town officials scrambled to slash money from a budget...
More than nine years after plans for a huge wind farm in Nantucket Sound were first revealed, the final regulatory approvals for Cape Wind have...
Correction A story in last week’s Gazette about the high school swim team was inaccurate in its history reporting. There was a swim team on the...
Two Chilmark farms were recently granted permits for large-scale wind turbines under a presumed agricultural use exemption. Abutters have asked the...
By SUSAN KLEIN Having lived a full life, Barbara Lipke was many things to many people. In addition to wife, mother, educator and author, she was...
Did you know that the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School has a Brazilian history class? Well, we do! The whole purpose of this class is to...
Far from the Island's shoreline lies a harbor in the woods. Edgartown's innermost harbor has all the elements of a waterfront, minus the water, the...
LETTER FROM HAITI Editors, Vineyard Gazette:
