The County Conundrum Does county government have a useful function anymore? Throughout the commonwealth the county form of government has...
Roses in November Autumn on the Vineyard this year has been an up-and-down tale of weather, as if the Island had been gripped by some...
Dishing Local From the Gazette Turkey Files: The turkeys that adorn Thanksgiving tables come mostly from the mainland. But there was once a...
JOHN S. ALLEY 508-693-2950 ( Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth, whenever it is damp, drizzly November in...
HOLLY NADLER 508-274-2329 ( When we last left off with the saga of the Oak Bluffs couple who had purchased the whole...
KATHIE CASE 508-627-5349 ( Ah, New England weather. It was 38, windy and damp; it was 55, sunny and warm enough for a T...
Temperature: Precip. Day Max. Min. Inches. Fº Fº Nov. 12 52 44 .01 Nov. 13 55 45 .00 Nov. 14 57 41 .00 Nov. 15 56 47 .00 Nov. 16 57 50 .09...
Please Adopt Us It’s hard to believe Thanksgiving is less than a week away. There are many animals at the Animal Shelter of Martha’s Vineyard that...
BRAD WOODGER 508-627-4216 ( No, I can’t. Which is okay. Chappy teaches limitations. There’s much emphasis on our potential...
NANCY GARDELLA 508-693-3308 (
JANE N. SLATER 508-645-3378 ( Chilmark is still alive with the bright yellows and reds of the fall foliage. I was wrong to...
JUNE D. MANNING 508-645-2574 ( Another nice week with temperatures in the 50s and 60s. The final remnants of the fall foliage...
