Mr. and Mrs. Allan R. Keith are very pleased to announce the marriage of their daughter, Lucy Ward Keith, to Mr. Tomas Diagne of Senegal, West...
From Nov. 29 through Dec. 2 the Tisbury School Library will host a Scholastic Book Fair, a fun-filled book sale and literacy event. The entire...
Sunny Certification Phil Forest, the lead photovoltaic system designer and installer at South Mountain Company in West Tisbury, recently passed...
On Sunday, Oct. 24, some 115 Islanders joined the 20th Annual CROP Walk (Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty) for the hungry. Each...
Ingrid Marie Ganske and Christopher Rangeley Looney were married Saturday, Sept. 18 at the Old Whaling Church in Edgartown. The bride’s uncle,...
William Marks at the U.N. Environmental author William Waterway Marks will be the closing speaker at a United Nations water event on Nov. 30. The...
Martha’s Vineyard’s first 200-hour, Yoga Alliance-approved Yoga School has been certified: FLY Yoga School will launch next year, under the...
After receiving a wide variety of name suggestions through the club’s Name the Team contest, the Martha’s Vineyard summer collegiate baseball club...
At a special town meeting this coming Tuesday night, Aquinnah voters will be asked to buy land for a new affordable housing site and approve a new...
A 58-year-old Edgartown woman was arrested Monday after confessing to breaking into six homes in the downtown village, Det. Sgt. Chris Dolby of the...
Dredging at Sengekontacket continued on Wednesday after a weeklong delay in an effort that has already seen what appear to be endless hurdles. ...
The dream of a dedicated fishing pier in the heart of Oak Bluffs is one step closer for Island fishermen after the Martha’s Vineyard Commission...
