Wind developers pressed ahead on two fronts this week, as two new players entered the fray with proposals to develop wind farms in waters west of...
On Saturday, after two years of frustration and delay, Nantucket finally came back across the Muskeget Channel and down the placard-lined mean...
A three-man sail from Vineyard waters earlier this month ended in tragedy; a loss of a sailor’s life, a dismasting of a two-masted sailboat which...
jerome and nancy kohlberg
The Vineyard Gazette, the family-owned weekly newspaper that has been a prominent, much-decorated and enduring chronicle of Island life for 164 years...
Our hot tub broke down last Monday, making it no longer hot. On Wednesday, my grandfather’s clock jammed; it takes six months to clean and repair....
THE TAX MAN Editors, Vineyard Gazette: The front page article in Friday’s paper titled “Tisbury’s Taxes Sharply Higher” may have given the casual...
It was thirty-five years ago that I wrote my first editorial for the Vineyard Gazette, an editorial so important that today no one remembers the...
Emily Bramhall’s many labors for Islanders has earned her this year’s Spirit of the Vineyard Award. The honor, sponsored by Hospice of Martha’s...
The decision when is tied to the weather. Either tomorrow or Sunday a small fleet of rowers will depart from Little Harbor in Woods Hole and they’...
Let’s be honest, not everything gets better with age. But fortunately for Islanders, Mermaid Farm’s feta cheese does. The flavor gets richer, the...
On Oct. 9, 2010, a glorious, sun-filled October day, John Walker (Nino) McCoubrey and Leslie Dale (Lee) Polychron were married on Keith Farm,...
Transportation Meeting A public meeting will be held at noon on Wednesday, Dec. 1, to discuss the 2011 Martha’s Vineyard Regional Transportation...
