Everett Poole
I am 44 years old and my folks built our place on Chappaquiddick back when I was a toddler. Last July on our annual family trip to the Island I...
On Tuesday, June 29, the town of Tisbury will hold a special town meeting to seek the passage of two separate, but related spending articles...
The other day I brought my son, Hardy, to his last soccer game of the spring season. Hardy is five and half now and the game of soccer still rather...
Flaming Pooched Eggs From Gazette editions of June, 1935: The scene was a Vineyard street, a parked flivver at the curb. Upon the scene appeared...
POSITIVE SIGNS Editors, Vineyard Gazette: As the nation weathers its horrific, self-inflicted, environmental Pearl Harbor in the Gulf of Mexico,...
Hospital Has Its Moving-In Day
Wastewater Study Caution
The Union Chapel opens this Sunday with the Rev. Dr. Dorothy Watson Tatem as the guest preacher. This is her third visit and the beginning of the...
Little League Championships On Saturday, June 26, Martha’s Vineyard Little League will hold its championship games at Veira Park in Oak Bluffs....
Tennis and art will help raise funds for students, women and artists in Haiti through two Vineyard groups this weekend. The Fish Farm for Haiti...
Maggie Howard
Twelve Hundred dollars and a week of professional wall time was the award for three Island high school seniors who won the Martha’s Vineyard Arts...
Grant Carole
Former ABC news anchor Carole Simpson has made, in her words, thousands and thousands of speeches, so she knew she wanted to do something special on...
