In the second of its four grant cycles in 2010, the Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank Charitable Fund awarded grants totaling $8,000 to seven Island...
The Oak Bluffs conservation commission voted on Tuesday to refer a plan for a 317-foot public fishing pier to the Martha’s Vineyard Commission,...
Correction The Vineyard Gazette Wedding Planner, published on May 14, contained incorrect attribution for a photographer in the pictures that...
Colorful cocktail dresses and navy blazers stood out against the dusty brown parking lots of the West Tisbury Agricultural Hall Monday night, as...
Lifeguards made a series of rescues this week at Lucy Vincent Beach in Chilmark, where rip currents have created unsafe swimming conditions in...
The Coast Guard began work in the Menemsha harbor Wednesday to remove several sunken boats, and the harbor has been reopened to recreational...
Matt Tobin
Matt Tobin of Chilmark won the Klays for Kids Charity Skeet Shoot at the Martha’s Vineyard Rod and Gun Club. Held under ideal weather conditions on...
Six years after the conclusion of a Supreme Court case in which the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) battled with Aquinnah taxpayers and the...
Tisbury selectman Geoghan Coogan’s letter to state authorities about the unsafe condition of State Road was understandably emotional, given the...
It was 175 years ago next month that six devout Edgartown Methodists decided to establish a summer religious community of their very own and...
Great Pond
Last summer the Vineyard Conservation Society succeeded in convincing Islanders that their ponds were indeed in peril. At this year’s Ponds in...
The year was 1978, and Martha’s Vineyard confronted a big decision about its character. It could take a big step toward becoming part of generic...
