What follows is a day in the life of Alma West, a resident at Island Elderly Housing, in her owns words. • I get up early — I am a morning person...
Ann Wallace
For 30 years it has been the Island’s best-kept secret. And today Island Elderly Housing (IEH) also remains one of the Island’s best success...
Small Business Loans The Southeastern Economic Development (SEED) Corporation has closed on five small business loans in the Cape and Islands...
Katherine Graduates Katherine Campbell of Vineyard Haven graduated from Emmanuel College, cum laude, with a degree in psychology, counseling and...
Bird watchers the world over experience the frustration of “the one that got away.” It isn’t that we don’t spot the bird, it is that we did not see...
Friday, June 25: Summer has a foothold on the Vineyard. Bright sunshine, warm with temperature rising to the 80s in the sun. A stiff breeze on the...
The 21-foot wooden catboat Vanity has been crisscrossing the Edgartown Harbor in the last several weeks, the start of what will be a busy summer....
I am fond of weeding. Not just any weeding, mind you. My vegetable garden has raised beds to accommodate poor drainage and less than perfect soil.
Though I would never admit to being a cheerleader, I somehow find myself surrounded by pom-poms.  These pom-poms won’t cheer for the team (...
Three plays in development will debut with pay-what-you-can performances this weekend at the Vineyard Arts Project in Edgartown. Each play runs...
Road Work A 100-foot section of North Road in Chilmark will be under construction beginning at 8 a.m. tomorrow, leaving only one lane open to...
Gone are the grownup gatekeepers of movie merit — kids are the audience for the weekly Cinema Circus films. So the Gazette and the Martha’s...
