In this year-long serialized novel set on the Vineyard in real time, a native Islander (“Call me Becca”) returns home after two decades to help her...
Featherstone Center for the Arts’ fall classes cover a wide range. A new instructor, Greg Watson, offers both figure drawing and portrait painting...
Do you agree it’s time for a change? Have we had enough of the same old same old? We seem to have fallen into a rut over the past eight years. Many...
This year’s ninth annual art exhibition at the Pequot Hotel will be held from tomorrow, Saturday, Oct. 4 through next Sunday, Oct. 12. The opening...
Students from University of Massachusetts Medical and Nursing School (Rural Health Rotation) will be surveying Islanders who attend the Friday...
Phyllis Vecchia will be holding a fall creative drama workshop for four-and-half to 10-year-olds at the Oak Bluffs School. Classes began yesterday...