In this year-long serialized novel set on the Vineyard in real time, a native Islander (“Call me Becca”) returns home after two decades to help her...


Bartending. The job used to be simple — pour a glass of wine, shake up the occasional martini, pop off a beer cap and call it a night. Not so any...

Greg Watson is teaching a weekly portrait painting class at Featherstone. The class will study reproductions of master paintings. Mr. Watson will...


Autumn Dear Crickets, doomed to die, Bless you, for so am I. How bravely your song of Autumn Accepts without remorse The ordaining of...


Dog at the Funeral For Dave Willey (1947-2008) I didn’t see him when two planes did a fly-by, one on the right peeling off in missing-man...

Flip Scipio

Talking Guitars, an intimate portrait on film of master guitar craftsman and now Island resident Flip Scipio, will screen tonight, Oct. 10, at 7:30...
