Since 2008, Ray Whitaker has hosted a weekly Beatles program on WMVY called Just Four Guys. On Saturday, May 9, his final episode airs at 9 p.m.

Things are looking up. Proof that summer actually will come: Morning Glory farm stand opened on Tuesday. My meals are more delicious already.

This summer Nancy’s Restaurant in Oak Bluffs will mark its 60th year in business. For co-owner Doug Abdelnour it will be an uncertain anniversary.

The popular Vineyard Haven restaurant Little House Cafe will come under new ownership in July. The buyer is Chilmark resident Brook Katzen.

The Vineyard’s annual LGBTQ+ film festival is taking place online this weekend instead of at its home, the Martha’s Vineyard Film Center in Vineyard...

Given the current circumstances surrounding the pandemic, the Capawock and Strand theatres will go dark this summer, owner Mark Snider said Thursday.


Arts Briefs

On June 9 the Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival will host a screening of A Painter Who Farms.

The Sense of Wonder Spring Art Show and Benefit will be on Friday and Saturday, June 15 and 16.

The Edgartown Library will host Peter Hufstader, the author of the new seagoing thriller The Riddle of the Graveyard.
