A photograph taken at Philbin Beach was the audience favorite at the Vineyard Gazette’s recently concluded exhibit at Featherstone.

On Oct. 28 the Martha’s Vineyard Horse Council celebrates that special time of year when horses grow fuzzier with its annual Fall Fuzzy horse show at...

Victor and Penny, a duo that bills themselves as a Musical Time Capsule and brings to life both the music and origins of Kansas City swing, will...

Eight years ago Billy Manson had a vision — to have the Vineyard go wild.

For Richard Hamilton, the process of creating jewelry starts with listening to his customers' stories. At age 67, he mostly works on commissions now...

Albert O. Fischer 3rd returns again and again to take pictures of Keith Farm in Chilmark.


Arts Briefs

A Celebrity Waiters Spaghetti Dinner to benefit PeaceQuilts will be held at the Federated Church on Saturday, Nov. 5, from 6 to 8 p.m.

Philip Weinstein begins his series of lecture on William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom! on Wednesday, Nov. 2.

On Saturday evening, Oct. 29, the Yard heads out to the Farm Institute’s Katama Barn to reveal a new work called silo.
