Nature walks together led to A Studio Guide to Nature, a collaborative show by sisters Julia and Lucy Mitchell at A Gallery in Oak Bluffs. The show...

Lily Walter’s Slip Away Farm on Chappaquiddick serves the community there with a farm stand and community supported agricultural shares. Farm workers...

The Ice Cream and Candy Bazaar on Dock street in Edgartown resembles an old ship, with dark beams and wide floorboards. It’s a familiar scene that...

Fifteen little pirates complete with swords, eye patches and a full vocabulary of sea-worthy words boarded the Sea Gypsy in the Oak Bluffs Harbor on...

Abby Ginzberg and fellow Cornell graduate Frank Dawson have created a documentary called Agents of Change, which was released last February.

On Sunday, Kristin Chenoweth will sing on the Vineyard as a part of Broadway at the PAC. And she will even do some talking.


Arts Briefs

Arnie Reisman holds a poetry cafe on Tuesday, Feb. 16 at 7:30 p.m. at the Vineyard Playhouse.

Grants are available for Island artists through the Martha’s Vineyard Center for Visual Arts.

Martha’s Vineyard Museum is launching an exhibit that celebrates the Island’s inventors throughout the years.
