
climate change


New legislation will be filed in the state house this month making way for a state recreational saltwater fishing license. State Representative Tim...

Friday, June 5: Rain. Rosa rugosa flowers decorate the edge of the Beach Road in Vineyard Haven. Rhododendrons are in full bloom all around the...

kids with nature

The group of children sat whittling pieces of wood that had been split from a log. Hot coals had been used to burn a hollow into each block, and...

Vineyard companies Eco MV, Big Sky Tent and Party Rentals and Allied Waste are working together to make hosting green events on Martha’s Vineyard...

great rock

The walk to Great Rock Bight from the nearest parking area takes 15 or 20 minutes. This year, that extra mile or so could have been considered the...

Temperature: Precip. Day Max. Min. Inches. Fº Fº May 29 61 52 .09 May 30 62 56 .27 May 31 74 51 .00 June 1 71 44 .00 June 2 64 53 .00 June 3...
