Last week’s warmer weather lit a fire under me, finally. Violet and I got out in the yard for some much-needed pruning and raking.
By MARK ALAN LOVEWELL The days this summer for eating locally caught fluke on the Vineyard are coming to a close. Fluke, also called summer...
Catch of the Day Freshwater fishermen on the Vineyard who are interested in learning the mercury content of their catch are asked to call Alanna...
Mark Alan Lovewell will present Fish Stories: Tales and Songs of Vineyard Fishermen, on Tuesday, August 12 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Whaling Church...
August is the best time for stargazing and looking for meteors. The Perseid meteor shower peaks in the early hours of Tuesday morning but meteors can...
Friday, August 1: Clear and sunny day. Clouds hug close to the southern sky over the Atlantic Ocean. Clear skies overhead at Felix Neck Wildlife...
Temperature: Precip. Day Max. Min. Inches. Fº Fº August 1 81 68 August 2 85 67 August 3 85 67 .09 August 4 83 63 T August 5 82 67...