Last week’s warmer weather lit a fire under me, finally. Violet and I got out in the yard for some much-needed pruning and raking.
Talking Ospreys Rob Bierregaard began researching osprey on Martha’s Vineyard in 1969. Since then, he has been investigating the habits and...
Walking Permaculture Permaculture designer Dick Pierce will lead a walk from 8:30 to 10 a.m. Wednesday, July 30, from the Chappaquiddick Community...
Friday, July 18: Hot and muggy. Temperature rises to the high 80s in the shade, hotter on Ocean Park. Oak Bluffs harbor is a kettle full of boats...
The evenings ahead are moonless. There is no interference from the moon until midnight or later. Tomorrow morning’s moon is in the last quarter phase...
Puppets in the Garden Puppets in the Garden is a special day for families to walk the paths of Polly Hill Arboretum and find puppet surprises...
Temperature: Precip. Day Max. Min. Inches. Fº Fº July 18 88 68 .00 July 19 87 71 .00 July 20 88 71 .00 July 21 82 73 .00 July 22 86...