Concerns about overflowing parking at town-owned Collins Beach during the summer came before the Edgartown selectmen this week, who agreed to look...

Six Martha’s Vineyard seniors will receive four-year college scholarships, the community fund announced this week. The awards total $700,000, and for...

With a final vote expected soon on where to site a new Tisbury School, town residents will have a final chance to weigh in at a public forum tomorrow...

A federal appeals court this week temporarily froze the effect of its ruling that the Aquinnah tribe has the legal authority to operate a gambling...

The newest liquor store in Edgartown focuses on craft beer, select wines and high end liquor.

The Martha’s Vineyard Commission is expected to decide next month whether to require Santander Bank in Vineyard Haven to restore a Spanish tile roof...


News Briefs

The season of worship at Union Chapel in Oak Bluffs officially begins this Sunday, June 25.

The fourth annual Vineyard Herreshoff Cup Regatta will be held on Menemsha Pond on Saturday and Sunday, June 24 and 25.

The fourth annual Vineyard Herreshoff Cup Regatta will be held on Menemsha Pond on Saturday and Sunday, June 24 and 25. Seven Herreshoffs...
