Earlier this year Emily deBettencourt was named Oak Bluffs harbormaster, taking over for Todd Alexender who retired. Ms. deBettencourt started...

The Extraordinary Life of Dorothy West exhibit opens this weekend at the museum and spans Ms. West’s life in Boston, Harlem, Moscow and on the...

Each year at the beginning of Memorial Day weekend, the Island’s school children participate in March to the Sea tributes that culminate in students...

After three years of skyrocketing demand, the Vineyard summer home rental market is coming back down to earth.

In the face of increasing worker shortages and uncertainty, the Island retail and restaurant scene continues to adapt and, in many cases, expand.

A proposal from Tisbury police to test out a new marine patrol unit is on ice for now after town officials expressed concerns over the cost.


News Briefs

Carla Cooper of Edgartown has been honored by the Cape and Islands Democratic Council with the Democrat of the Year award.

Five Island nonprofit organizations were honored on May 17 when the Cape and Islands United Way celebrated organizations receiving its community...

The Vineyard Sustainable Energy Committee recently drafted and approved a letter calling for electrification of ferries being added to the authority'...
