With the help of rhythmic samba, Brazilian treats and colorful decorations, the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School transformed into a bustling...

With abortion care now facing a gauntlet of legal challenges around the country, Elizabeth Barnes thinks everyone should be worried — not just women...

Harbor reservations are at an all-time high, ferries have robust bookings and the airport is bracing for its annual onslaught of private and...

The creativity of Martha's Vineyard Regional High School seniors will take center stage next week at the annual Evening of the Arts.

When wedding vendors gather, it is usually in the thick of event planning, when every spare moment gets eaten up by a loose tablecloth, an out-of-...

Vineyarder Danielle Hopkins was recently named one of the 10 law students across the country selected to join the Marshall-Motley Scholars Program.


News Briefs

Hana Morris and Michael Morris, of Edgartown, announce the birth of a son, Emmett George Morris, born on May 26.

Rayane Taveres Marques and Hercules Goncalves Pereira, of Vineyard Haven, announce the birth of a daughter, Ayla Goncalves Marques.

We still have no adoptions to report, so this week we'll be featuring Peter and Teddy.
