Edgartown selectmen set dates for the upcoming bay scallop season at their meeting Monday. Family scalloping begins Oct. 1 in all areas; the...

A lengthy government investigation into lead contamination at a Coast Guard housing facility at the West Chop Light has been closed following the...

The new school year began with a new three-year contract for Island teachers and support staff. It includes a two per cent increase in salaries...

At first light on Sunday morning, young anglers lined the Steamship Authority wharf in Oak Bluffs, rods and reels in hand, to fish in the annual kids...

A cloudless September sky stretched wide and blue over the Edgartown Lighthouse Saturday afternoon, where more than 150 people gathered for the...

Capping a lengthy and at times emotional process, the Martha’s Vineyard Commission begrudgingly approved the historic Mill House demolition 13-1...


News Briefs

The Vineyard Conservation Society is encouraging Islanders to pick up trash independently and celebrate Earth Day online.

Starting April 10, poet Donald Nitchie leads a weekly online Poetry Drop-in Class presented by the West Tisbury Library.

Wayen Zarozny and Susan Zarozny purchased 60 Curtis Lane in Edgartown from Cynthia A. Grilli for $625,000 on March 26.
