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James Gollin, 91

James Gollin died on April 13 in New York City, where he had lived much of his life.

Robert Norton Ganz Jr., 97

Robert Norton Ganz Jr. died peacefully at home in Chilmark on April 9.

Marcia McIntosh Graham, 83

Marcia McIntosh Graham of Franconia, N.H., and formerly of Belmont, died April 12.

Nathan Sawyer Gray, 50

Nathan Sawyer Gray of Vineyard Haven died peacefully and surrounded by family on March 2 at Boston Medical Center.

Paul Grunden, 68

Paul Grunden died Feb. 16 at Falmouth Hospital.

Alice Franklin Goyert, 78

Alice Franklin Goyert of Oak Bluffs died peacefully at home on Jan. 2 after a battle with interstitial lung disease.

Francis Joseph Gould, 73

Francis (Frank) Joseph Gould of Bethlehem, Pa. died on Dec. 19, 2022.

Joyce M. Greene, 95

Joyce M. Greene died peacefully on Dec. 25 in Santa Barbara, Calif.

Robert Francis Gossett Jr., 78

Robert Francis Gossett Jr., formerly of Edgartown, New York city and San Antonio, Tex., died peacefully in his sleep on Oct. 30.
