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Athena Hanjoglu, 78

Athena (Tina) Hanjoglu died May 5 of natural causes in Astoria, N.Y.

Peter William Ottocar Hegener, 84

Peter Wilhelm Ottocar Hegener died on April 27 in West Hartford, Conn. after a brief and valiant battle with esophageal cancer.

Service for Elizabeth Hoyle, 88

A graveside service for Elizabeth Hoyle will be held at 2 p.m. on Saturday, May 13 at Oak Grove Cemetery in Oak Bluffs.

Warren Richmond Hartwell, 78

Warren Richmond Hartwell of Newport, R.I., Tiverton, R.I. and Vineyard Haven died peacefully on April 24 after a brief illness.

Vernon Harris, 70

Vernon Harris of Oak Bluffs died unexpectedly on March 1 at the Martha's Vineyard Hospital.

Molly Joy Hathaway Hargy, 55

Molly Joy Hathaway Hargy, a lifelong resident of Edgartown, died unexpectedly on Monday, Feb. 20.

Eric Hathaway, 49

Eric Hathaway of Edgartown died on Jan. 28 at Martha's Vineyard Hospital.

Kathryn Ware Harris, 77

Kathryn (Kathy) Ware Harris of Falmouth, Me. died peacefully on Nov. 4 after a short cancer recurrence.

Robert Vail Huss, 84

Robert (Bob) Vail Huss died peacefully at home on Nov. 3.
