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Bob (Pop) Gardner, 93

Bob (Pop) Gardner died at home in Katama on March 31 after a brief illness.

Terrance Patrick Cutler Grannis, 37

Terrance Patrick Cutler Grannis of Naples, Fla., died on Jan. 13.

Eleanor Groel, 100

Eleanor (Ellie) Groel died peacefully on Feb. 1 at the Henrietta Brewer House in Vineyard Haven.

Francis Garvey, 65

Francis Garvey of Oak Bluffs and Ballinlough, county Roscommon, Ireland, died peacefully on Jan. 31.

Calvin M. (Kern) Grimes, 81

Calvin M. (Kern) Grimes Jr. died Sunday, Dec. 26, on the Vineyard and surrounded by his loving family.

Lucille Ryan Gostenhofer, 91

Lucille Ryan Gostenhofer died peacefully at home, surrounded by family, in Laguna Woods, Ca., on Sept. 27.

Richard Gleason, 84

Richard Gleason of Vineyard Haven died peacefully at home on Nov. 30.

Carol P. Gadd, 71

Carol P. Gadd, known to friends and family as Dede, died Oct. 12 at Bristol Hospital in Connecticut after a brief illness.

Leslie Ann Gray, 72

Leslie Ann Gray died Sept. 28 at her West Tisbury home with her husband at her side.
