From the Feb. 25, 1972 edition of the Vineyard Gazette: A northeast storm of unusual viciousness struck the Island on Saturday during the early hours.
In 1950, six million homes in America had television sets. That included our family, living in a smoky steel town on the Ohio River.
Here is what I have learned about grief after having to cope with it for 11 years.
No Fireworks, no Fair, no Illumination. No house too full with each generation.
From the September 8, 1939 edition of the Vineyard Gazette:
As I work at home during the pandemic I’ve become attuned to the rhythm of the neighborhood.
Sand Clean white sand warm in summer rolling wet hot bodies fresh from swimming in the Sound Frozen white salted crunch underfoot in winter...
What started out as John’s suggestion in late March to Stephen and Susan Bowen, Waterside Market owners, to provide free meals to hospital workers...
The U.S. Navy is inviting comments on its proposed remedial action plan for Nomans.
My parents brought us up with exhortations to give back and leave the world better than you found it.