Seven states have done away with Columbus Day. Perhaps the biggest surprise is that liberal Massachusetts is not one of them.

I am rummaging around in my past in Tallahassee, Fla., here for a memorial service for Ned Stuckey-French, a former professor and friend who died too...

From the Oct. 12, 1934 edition of the Vineyard Gazette:

Twenty-six years ago, computer entrepreneur Mitch Kapor and I worked on a PBS pilot together.

Parked on the side of the road at the edge of a beach is not a bad place to be on a windy, rainy evening in early October.

Every morning now he comes and sits beside me.


Letters to the Editor

On August 1, Alan Dershowitz will participate in a discussion about civility as part of the Martha's Vineyard Film Festival's Inwards discussion...

I was very pleased by the fine article about me by Noah Asimow in last week's Gazette. But I have to make a correction.

The hearing last week about Vineyard Wind's offshore cables at the Edgartown conservation commission was heartbreaking.
