A detailed look at the work of the man who keeps Island septic systems tuned up and running at peak performance.

Trina Kingsbury died on August 31 at her home in Chilmark. She wrote her own obituary before she died.

Now suddenly it’s September and the evening songs from the swamps are softer, as if to signal the seasonal decrescendo.

It just doesn’t happen anymore. The Labor Day exodus of tradition.

How to explain the fawning first-year performance review given by the Steamship Authority board of governors this week to Robert Davis?

If there were any radio warnings of the impending storm, we were in dreamland and didn’t hear them.


Letters to the Editor

We want to congratulate and thank our Chilmark selectmen and all those who worked so hard for Squibnocket Beach.

I have just learned that the Martha’s Vineyard Preservation Trust has officially changed its name to Vineyard Trust.

We are rapidly approaching the moment when an SSA ferry reservation will reach all nines across all seven digits.
