March entered like a lion, blowing hard and cold. But an equal countervailing breeze was also in evidence last weekend.

When I was a freshman in high school my hero got his ear chewed off in a bar fight in the parking lot of the Four Roses Bar.

At 6:10 a.m. yesterday the sun crossed the equator. Day and night were of equal length everywhere on earth.

By Wednesday afternoon a backyard snowman was listing to its right side, its twig arms lowered in a gesture of defeat.

All the talk about new schools, makes us feel sometimes that all things educational that were practiced before might have been somehow wrong.

In the summer of 1971, a wiry man about 40 carrying a briefcase walked down the hall of Boston After Dark, led by my news editor.


Letters to the Editor

Island Health Care Community Health Center in Edgartown recently received a donation of a mobile health clinic.

My thoughts concerning the young man (and his colleagues) who left Harvard one semester before graduating to defeat cancer.

On Sunday morning I walked with a bunch of mostly Oak Bluffs residents and their dogs, led by a member of the Oak Bluffs land bank advisory committee...
