Invisible to me, but not to Bill Austin, surveyor, who spies each little rill, And ridge and ditch and remnants of a fence

The Vineyard Committee on Hunger’s Family to Family Thanksgiving food distribution took place on Friday, Nov. 17.

The opposition is there and has been for a long time. It comes from elected officials on and off the Cape and Islands.

Magnificent as a roasted turkey is, it would be nothing, possibly the entire day of Thanksgiving would be nothing, without the small, tart, shining...

The recent upheaval around Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe has reminded me of my 1996 visit to that southern African nation, formerly Rhodesia.

The other day, standing in front of the mirror and wondering what I’ll look like in 10 years, I thought of my grandmothers. What did they look like...


Letters to the Editor

The fiasco at the county commission during the current appointment cycle is an embarrassment.

I read the letter to the editor, “Voter Choice on Fluoride” and I was moved to write a letter answering Scott Ellis.

On April 12, 2018, the citizens of Edgartown have the right to vote for or against adding fluoride to our water system.
