When my guidance counselor told me that I was salutatorian, my first thought was, “Can you recalculate my GPA?”

The sky was clear, and the waxing moon was in competition with the stars of the sky, the stars of the screen, and the stars of the Island, and into...

A high school graduation is seen from at least three perspectives.

More than a decade ago, a landscape architect friend from Rhode Island brought us a house-warming gift when we had a cottage in Menemsha.

Editor’s note: The following speech was delivered at the Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School graduation Sunday.

After playwright Jon Lipsky, who was my father, died, the seed was planted for posthumously publishing eight of his finest plays.


Letters to the Editor

The police do their job in Milwaukee of protecting the public from a gun-carrying felon, and now there is mob rioting.

Your article on the President’s vacation and support of Mrs. Clinton was very slanted.

To highlight the importance of the West Tisbury Mill Pond through the centuries, the Friends of the Mill Pond and the West Tisbury historic district...
