When anyone seeks information regarding the Edgartown fisheries, he is sure to be directed to one of two or three men and one of these is Antone K. Silva.
Martha’s Vineyard: Contemporary Living, Keith Moskow and Robert Linn, The Monicelli Press, 224 Pages, $50.
Commencement 2010 Graduating seniors at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School will march down the aisle of the historic Tabernacle in Oak...
Guarding Beach Safety The cliffs at Lucy Vincent Beach are collapsing due to coastal erosion, and of course nothing can be done to turn back the...
There was a time when my husband and I drove to Squibnocket just to hear the pebbles. And then recently we tuned in to the BP oil disaster in the...
From a 1970 Gazette article by Joseph Chase Allen: Childhood memories retain the picture of the scrub tree, a relic of the past found quite close...
GOOD THINGS, TOO Editors, Vineyard Gazette: The town may have budget constraints in this economy, but what about all the good things happening in...
The development office of Martha’s Vineyard Community Services thanks the Martha’s Vineyard community for disposing of your old, tired and used...
The Schifter house move presents a sobering contradiction. The goal is to save a property from the effects of climate change, but the means to this...
A big summer home used to be 5,000 square feet. Now a big summer home is 20,000 square feet. Where are we headed?