In terms of climate change, 2021 was a chaotic and destructive year with almost constant record-breaking extreme weather events.

From the December 27, 1946 edition of the Vineyard Gazette:

On Dec. 26, Archbishop Desmond Tutu died at age 90 in Cape Town, South Africa. He was a giant of human rights, and an inspiration to me.

It was a dark morning, unusually dark, even for December, because it was cloudy, and a keen and searching wind blew shivery snowflakes out of the...

On Christmas Eve the sky was clear for Santa and for his reindeer.

I’ve been a gleaner for nearly a dozen years. It’s not a big deal. I pick veggies local farmers don’t need or want.


Letters to the Editor

This is a letter of thanks to the people who work at the Edgartown Council on Aging.

The real estate developer Xerxes Agassi has proposed a plan for the Edu Comp property in downtown Vineyard Haven.

The individual who burst, ranting and raging, into the barnyard of the Grey Barn Farm while a cow was in the process of delivering a calf, owes Grey...
