From Gazette editions of November, 1970:

Remember the spring of 2020‚ 18 months ago, when the word Covid had just entered our vocabulary.

Fred Vincent, sexton of the church / for thirty years / Walked past our house each Sunday / In the winter / To go and ring the bell.

From the Nov. 5, 1943 edition of the Gazette:

In some circles there’s talk. Some of it is disparaging and some of it is hopeful. Its an old Island conversation, about newcomers.

The memories come flood ing back during the imposed isolation of the pandemic.


Letters to the Editor

In my letter in last week’s issue of the Vineyard Gazette, I mistakenly identified A.J. Liebling as the editor of The New Yorker who yelled at my...

The recent moped accident that resulted in the death of a young woman replayed all too many similar past events.

For anyone who appreciates the unspoiled beauty and sublime authenticity of Katama Farm, I have troubling news.
