Don’t fritter away opportunity. I never pass up the prospect of a perfect picking or forgo a chance for a floral feast. This week, black locust...
It is everywhere. Clouds of pollen have coated the entire Island. We are in danger of sinking under the weight of the zillions of grains of male...
There’s been a lot of talk about breaches on the Island: in the great ponds, at Norton Point, and at the Cape Pogue gut, for example. But this...
Ben Franklin was chockful of advice; in one famous saying, he encouraged behavior that would make us healthy, wealthy and wise. Early to bed and...
Life is full of contradictions. So are plants. Vinca, that evergreen vining groundcover that is currently blooming with blue-purple flowers, is...
I want to be stalked. It might sound like a strange request, but after I tell you about the gifts that I received last week, you will better...
Water striders always come out on top. They also stay on top! Water striders are those zippy, semi-aquatic insects that seem to magically skate...
April showers bring May flowers and also, perhaps, a torrent of toads! The wet weather could inspire more than just the ducks. The large amount...
Peat and re-peat. This spring, many gardeners will be doing just that to prepare their garden beds and landscaped areas for the season. However,...
Like magic, they appear. Hocus crocus! One doesn’t need a wand to make crocuses. Spring is to thank for the coming of the crocus, though there is...
What is so romantic about rodents? In the case of muskrats, there is clearly something that inspired songsters Captain and Tennille in the mid-...
The sky didn’t fall, the floods didn’t come, nor did other catastrophes befall the world last Saturday night.  Pessimists, naysayers and end-of-...
