It has been a scorcher of a week. When it is this hot, go ahead and complain. Play the blame game, too. Global warming, perhaps, or maybe just...
Though I would never admit to being a cheerleader, I somehow find myself surrounded by pom-poms.  These pom-poms won’t cheer for the team (...
All the best quips contain a core oftruth. British biologist J.B.S. Haldane, who spent a lifetime studying the diversity of nature, had this...
Thorny, yes; fragrant, certainly; invasive, sometimes. Wild roses, even with their imperfections, have many fans. Anne Bronte noted the tradeoff...
Same time, next year. In the past two weeks, I have had three run-ins with an old friend. We seem to meet at the same place at the same time...
Last week, for a change, Sunday was hump day. Though it wasn’t the middle of the week, it was definitely hump day for the whale watchers who were...
Not having a television, I was unaware (until someone mentioned it) that there’s a Wisteria Lane that holds a special place in the prime-time...
True or False? Sharpen your pencils, it is the season for final exams. But don’t worry too much: this is an open-book test (if Nature can be said...
These little flowers make me want to break out in rowdy song. The originator of the raucous tune swimming around in my head was the band The...
So much for love! I wouldn’t have been flattered to have received the token of love that Zeus bestowed on his mistress Io. In his haste to hide...
There was a time (and a place) when it was very wise to tiptoe through the tulips. It was in Holland during the 1630s, when tulips were all the...
Pollinators, start your engines! I am hoping for a bounteous blueberry crop this year. Though only time will tell, we can get a hint as to what...
