Upland Sandpiper

‘Tis spring migration and time for the annual Bird-a-thon. What is a Bird-a-thon? It is a fundraiser for Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary that is fun...

rose breasted grosbeak

One would think the birds that return from their winter haunts in the south are mimicking our summer residents. One group of bird species arrives and...

indigo bunting

The Vineyard experienced a mini fallout last week. We are not talking nuclear, but bird! If there is a strong wind that comes from the southwest in...

Bank swallow bird

David Stanwood, musician extraordinaire, recently made two astute observations; a recording and research on fish crows. He noticed “a procession of...


p>The bird sightings have been fast and furious. Spring is definitely on its way.

Saffron Toucanet

Flip Harrington and I always plan an escape from March madness and find a good birding area to visit. This year we were glad not to be on-Island...
