
Have you ever wondered where our nesting birds spend their winter? I have. Well, thanks to a study conducted by Dr. Cheri Gratto-Trevor, a research...


I guess you could call it forensic ornithology — assembling a story or an answer by linking bits of information, like detectives solving a murder...


T. S. Eliot wrote that “April is the cruelest month,” and he was right about the first part of April if you are a birder. In short, lots of winter...


Last week I asked people who had barn owls to let me know if they have pairs around their property. I received this marvelous description from...


Why is it when an accidental (rare, unusual or vagrant) bird arrives on Martha’s Vineyard there is always a scenario where there is a good cop/bad...

Central America is a fascinating area to visit. It is a relatively short plane ride and boasts an excellent variety of habitats. Recently we...
