
Dick Jennings sent me a photograph of a shore bird he found out on the shore of Cape Pogue Bay. The caption was “What is this, it looks like a...

It all started with the drive failure on one of the Volvo engines on Dovekie, my husband Flip Harrington’s boat. We found the best place to take it...


Shorebirds, waders, peeps, squatters, twiddlers, tattlers or sandpipers, it makes no difference what you call the members of the Scolopacidae...


The merlins that nested on Chappaquiddick have fledged three chicks. Lanny McDowell, Bob Shriber and I were invited by the owners of the house next...


Greater shearwaters are a pelagic species of bird. They spend a very small percentage of their life on land. The short time they are on terra firma...


There are three species of birds that have stirred bird-watchers’ interest this week: black skimmers, merlins and a barred owl. Two of these...
