The Martha’s Vineyard airport commission voted last week to adopt a roughly $12 million operating budget for the coming year.
The future of food trucks remains up for debate, with a joint meeting of the select board and planning board scheduled to discuss the matter May 18.
The West Tisbury Farmers’ Market will continue at the Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society on Panhandle Road, following a unanimous vote by the...
The Covid-19 risk level was elevated from low to medium on Martha’s Vineyard this week amid a steady rise in cases.
The commission vote was unanimous to deny a request to reduce the number of workforce housing units in the downtown building. The critical need for...
On May 14 a new Island-based initiative will launch with the goal of reducing trash generated by takeout food containers.
A key subcommittee of the Martha’s Vineyard Commission voted 7-0 with one abstention Monday night to recommend that the full commission deny a plan...
MV Taxi, Stagecoach and Adam Cab all saw their licenses renewed at a meeting of the select board Monday.
Two marijuana dispensaries — one new, the other exisiting — were topics for discussion at the Martha’s Vineyard Commission late last week.
The Vineyard Gazette was honored over the weekend with 34 awards in the New England Better Newspaper Competition for 2021, including top honors for...
The distinctive Greek revival building at 15 Church Street in Edgartown that was formerly the office of Mindoro Real Estate will soon host a new...
A shipment of medical supplies is on its way to Ukraine from the Vineyard thanks to a collaboration between the Martha's Vineyard Hospital and a West...
