Tyler and Christina Kendrick, of Woodstock, Ga., announce the birth of a son, Easton James Patton Kendrick, born on Oct. 3.
Thuy Dinh Miranda and Serigo Gomes de Miranda, of Vineyard Haven, announce the birth of a daughter, Emmy Dinh Miranda, born on Dec. 5.
Andora Aquino Rodgrigues and Romeiuro Rodrigues, of Vineyard Haven, announce the birth of a daughter, Marina Aquina Rodrigues, born on Nov. 23.
Noah and Miranda Jacob, of Boston, announce the birth of a son, Dylan Frederick Jacob, born on Nov. 17.
Charlotte Bolduc and Joshua Emin, of Vineyard Haven, announce the birth of a son, Quinn Brady Emin, born on Nov. 3 at Massachusetts General Hospital...
Simone Amorim Nunes and Marcos Rogério Alves, of Edgartown, announce the birth of a daughter, Maryanne Nunes Alves, born on Oct. 25.
Glaura Paiva and Luke Laubscher were married on Sept. 17 at the West Chop Club.
Avery and Max Davies, of Oak Bluffs announce the birth of a son, Walker William Davies, born on Nov. 17.
Blossom and Adam Petkus, of Edgartown, announce the birth of a daughter, Willa Ann Petkus, born on Nov. 13.
Becca and Jeff LaMarche, of Edgartown, announce the birth of a daughter, Phoebe Judith LaMarche, born on Nov. 12 at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital.
Thais Tupan Oliveira and Cloves Henrique S. Oliveira, of Vineyard Haven, announce the birth of a daughter, Angelina Tupan Scaufelra, born on Nov. 10...
Sarah Shannon and Jonathan Holter Esq. of Oak Bluffs were married Sept. 4 in Nederland, Colo.
