It was Columbus Day weekend, 1994. Kaye Flathers was asked to read scripture at her nephew’s wedding on Martha’s Vineyard. It was the first time...
On Tuesday, after reeling in my first fish ever, I lifted up the big bluefish and turned around to see my friends Tom and Mike with their iPhone...
WIPING OUT LYME Editors, Vineyard Gazette:
Undue Pier Pressure The American Academy of Pediatrics this week revealed that children and teens in the United States are spending an average of...
Saving Farm Pond In the year the United States signed the Declaration of Independence, a tannery barn stood on the south shore of Farm Pond, which...
Chowder From the Chowder Files:
Oak Bluffs recreational shellfishermen were out Saturday morning at Sengekontacket Pond, a happy day, because it was opening weekend for family...
I remember so many things about when I went to America; I missed so many things about Brazil. I felt like I didn’t belong in America because things...
Editor’s Note: The following was published in Moshup’s Footsteps, a 2001 book of recollections and short essays by the late Helen Manning of Gay...
What is the Martha’s Vineyard Center for Living? Originally called the Island Councils on Aging, the Center for Living has served Islanders who are...
LONG OVERDUE Editors, Vineyard Gazette: The following letter was sent to the Martha’s Vineyard Commission:
A Generation on the Market
