A few years ago when I was still discovering the incredible information I could get from my computer, I Googled myself.
One meditation teacher I listen to said we have 85 thousand thoughts a day.
Recently, I participated in a Zoom meeting with about 25 other ACE organizations from around Massachusetts.
The plan was to deliver my baby in New York city at New York Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan.
On Monday, my daughter and I drove down to Five Corners so that we could put our knees on the gritty pavement for eight long minutes.
As inaccessible now as Atlantis before it sank in the Sound.
Made, we are, from the dust. And for mere dust to try to dominate other dust, to put your dusty knee on the neck of another man.
When nothing is as it used to be, flowers offer comfort.
Every evening, on the hill outside my little cabin in West Tisbury, a stupendous spectacle takes place.
Says You!, the weekly comedy quiz show on National Public Radio, entered its 25th year on the air this spring.
“Dad, tell me about the old days, when life was normal and we could go out and do things, like play with friends and drive off-Island for adventures...
