A side by side stroll is a ghost of the past.
What have I done? I’m sitting at my desk, looking at a furiously flapping pigeon that I didn’t think would live through the night.
The Cardinals came to breakfast On the morning I was born
If you come from far away or someplace closer by
Welcome aboard we said when the mainlanders came offering big bucks for our family land, old houses, barns.
In response to the global pandemic, we have all been asked to slow down and take a break from life as we know it.
There is one vital area that has been neglected by both public and private programs: rental relief.
The specter of Covid-19 hovers over Martha’s Vineyard like a swarm of gulls at a Menemsha clambake.
Birthday parties have always been important in our family.
Even my dreams have gone down the drain.
For weeks now life has seemed strange, surreal, not grounded. This must be what suspended animation feels like.
