As part of a long-term grassroots effort, federal regulators recently passed legislation to protect dwindling Atlantic herring stocks.
The geomorphic processes of the Vineyard’s littoral belt are among the most varied on Earth. Meaning the Edgartown dredge has a lot of work to do.
As striped bass stocks have declined, the debate over how to best manage this prized fish has become more heated.
The only unimpeded, half-mile expanse of year-round working waterfront on the Island stretches from the Steamship Authority wharf to R.M. Packer Co.
Dukes County Commissioner Keith Chatinover will hold a series of town hall-style meetings next month.
With deer hunting season in full swing, six Island police chiefs are registering unanimous concern about the shrinking presence of environmental...
Islanders need to get ready now for the effects of global climate change, Oak Bluffs conservation agent Liz Durkee told an attentive audience at the...
Recent catastrophic wildfires in California have sown concern on Martha’s Vineyard, where there is concern the 5,000-acre Manuel F. Correllus State...
The Tisbury selectmen, school committee and school building committee chose Boston-based Tappé Architects to remodel and modernize the town...
Two Oak Bluffs moped dealers gave impassioned testimony at the state house on Thursday against a home rule petition that would allow the town to...
A Martha’s Vineyard Commission vote on the Meeting House Place subdivision in Edgartown will be put on hold after developers indicated they will file...
A bill that would allow the town of Oak Bluffs to ban rental mopeds is set for a hearing on Beacon Hill this morning. The home rule petition will...
