The voters of Oak Bluffs will face a ballot question asking whether the fluoridation of the town water supply should continue or be discontinued.
The Tisbury harbor management committee wants to eliminate anchoring in Lake Tashmoo to promote the growth of eelgrass, but allow transient moorings...
I hereby declare myself as a write-in candidate for the office of West Tisbury selectman, for a term of three years.
I would like to respond to last week’s editorial titled “Gutter Ball.”
The tourism industry is fueling economic recovery in Massachusetts by generating $18.5 billion in direct spending.
I am the mother of a young man with an autism spectrum disorder. I am writing to urge you to get your children vaccinated.
I have been reminded today why I so love receiving the Vineyard Gazette at our home in East Haven, Conn.
The death of Peggy Freydberg particularly saddened Lucille and me. We first knew her as Peggy Sloan when we were neighbors in Yorktown Heights, N.Y.
I am writing to urge people in all six towns to vote in favor of the bond issue to secure a home for the supportive day program.
I’m in my late sixties and still able to get around, workout at the Y, see friends, independently go to public events.
The supportive day program provides respite for Island families and caregivers.
My husband hauled moorings on Menemsha Pond until he was 81 years old. He is about to turn 87 in another month.
