On our way to church last Sunday, our first day of vacation, my grandson’s bike chain broke. Within minutes, Scott (dad of four young boys) and...
While doing my daily grocery shopping at Cronig’s the other day, I ran into a customer I hadn’t seen in a while, maybe in almost four years. She said...
Readers of the Gazette should know that there is a clear answer to the question “Martha, But Which One?” raised in your June 19 edition. Questions...
A grateful tip of the hat to Tim Boland for his excellent editorial, Tuesday, June 26, Wood Lilies Too Dear for Deer. “While we dislike...
At last Thursday’s meeting of the Martha’s Vineyard Commission, a majority of the commissioners present rejected a motion by commissioner Lenny Jason...
This letter is in response to an article published in last Friday’s Vineyard Gazette (June 22) regarding the superior court decision that upheld the...
For Richard E. Lee Editors, Vineyard Gazette: Richard Lee was a star, he sparkled, he winked at you through his paintings and made us laugh; all the...
Congratulations to Island Grown Initiative, its donors and to Martha’s Vineyard on IGI’s recent acquisition of Thimble Farm. The need to preserve...
The following letter was sent to the Edgartown conservation commission, other town boards and the board for the Farm Institute and the Katama...
Hello, softball fans! Do you realize this is probably the 75th season of our Sunday softball games in Chilmark? What started in the back lot off the...
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the entire community of Martha’s Vineyard for their continued support of the high school athletic...
The lack of natural gas from Yemen needed to generate electricity at New England power plants this summer has grid managers preparing for possible...
