John Rizzo, an elementary school principal from Springfield, and Phyllis Dubina, an assistant superintendent for the Beverly public schools, are in...
On Sunday, nine students will graduate from the Martha's Vineyard Public Charter School. They will go on to college, gap years and journeys across...
Making short work out of one of the longest town meeting seasons in recent memory, West Tisbury voters approved a revised $6.8 million school budget...
As the high school spring sports season comes to a close, five teams qualified for postseason play, including the undefeated girls’ tennis team.
As the Martha's Vineyard girls' lacrosse team enters the state tournament this week, Coach Betsy Dripps, who retires this year, reflects on 20 years...
The Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School boys’ baseball team qualified for the state tournament on Friday by earning a 2-1 victory against Triton...
Voters up-Island have been taking a hard look at what it costs to educate their schoolchildren. According to the most recent data available, the up-...
What follows is the list of awards given to Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School students at the annual Honors Night ceremony, held Wednesday, May...
The High School View, the regional high school’s student newspaper, recently won the highest achievement award from the New England Scholastic Press...
On Wednesday night, parents and friends flocked to the regional high school for the annual Evening of the Arts and World Culture Night, a student art...
The Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School has received a first place state award for excellence in energy and environmental education.
The seventh and eighth graders in the All-Island “A” band took home top honors at the Great East Music Festival in Wilbraham on May 1.
