Brr! It was so chilly on Tuesday that I stayed indoors all day and did nothing but load the woodstove. Nothing is quite as comfortable as a wood fire...
I do not mind cold weather. I spend a good part of the day outdoors no matter the weather.
Carrots will last in the ground until spring. Frost makes them super sweet.
I do not recall Thanksgiving Day being so cold as this past week. This is only, of course, in Vineyard memory. Thanksgiving in Rew, Pa. was another...
I write this week on Monday before the big holiday. The weather forecast is for very cold temperatures on Thanksgiving.
Ever since I discovered celeriac and how easy it is to grow, I stopped torturing myself with vain attempts to grow celery.
My least favorite weather is windy. Last Saturday afternoon was pretty impressive. At one point I ducked down beside the truck out of fear.
I must say last Monday produced some memorable weather. Above the water, the sky was foreboding and downright scary.
I don’t know why last week’s freeze came as a surprise to me. It is the end of October afterall.
I cannot believe our good fortune here on the Vineyard. Floods, fires, hurricanes all around and yet we have been spared.
After a long, hot, humid and seemingly endless summer, fall temperatures and light are a welcome relief.
This past week, I noticed several Monarch butterflies fluttering around their bright orange flowers.
