The Fourth of July offers those of us who love fireworks an opportunity to appreciate the night skies over Martha’s Vineyard.
Summer officially arrives at 11:54 a.m. this morning.
On Monday night, you get a chance to see the ringed-planet Saturn, guaranteed.
In Roman mythology Jupiter is King of the Gods.
We’ve got moonless nights ahead.
The evening sky offers us two planets for viewing, at bookends.
Tomorrow night’s full moon, the Honey Moon, appears low in the southern sky in the zodiacal constellation Scorpius.
Tomorrow night’s first quarter moon appears in proximity to the zodiacal constellation Leo, the lion.
The peak of the Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower will take place in the early hours of Monday morning.
Gemini, the last winter zodiacal constellations in our sky this evening appears low in the western sky after sunset.
The photographed black hole that received world-wide attention last week resides in the constellation Virgo. While the celestial object and the...
Sunday night's gibbous moon appears close to the bright star Regulus in the zodiacal constellation Leo. This is another sign that the season is...
