On Sunday night after sunset the crescent moon appears due south.
The bright planet fairly high in the southwestern sky this month is Jupiter.
Say goodbye to the bright planet Venus, now low in the southwestern sky after sunset.
Tomorrow night, at 9:54 p.m. autumn arrives without much fanfare. For many of us, the arrival of the Harvest Moon, the first full moon of autumn says...
Sunday night’s first quarter moon appears close and to the west of the bright planet Saturn.
A thin crescent moon shows up low in the southwestern sky on Wednesday night.
Have you noticed that Venus is getting harder to find in the west?
We often hear about reports that the Full Moon is the largest.
Tonight, the first quarter moon appears close to the bright planet Jupiter in our southern sky.
The Perseid Meteor Shower takes place in the wee hours of Sunday and Monday morning. The best time to look is from 11 p.m. Saturday and Sunday night...
The coming week offers all of us an opportune time to go hunting for shooting stars.
Tonight’s bright full moon appears so close to the red planet Mars. The two, rising in the east after sunset, are in the zodiacal constellation...
