Votes Are In; New Freight Ferry to Be Named Woods Hole
Olivia Hull

When a new ferry is delivered to the Steamship Authority around spring of 2016, it will bear the name Woods Hole. At their meeting in Vineyard Haven Tuesday, boatline governors agreed unanimously on the name choice.

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Naming of Freight Ferry on Deck for Boatline Meeting Tuesday
Olivia Hull

The question of what to name the next member of the Steamship Authority fleet will likely be answered Tuesday morning, when the boatline board of governors meets in Vineyard Haven. The meeting begins at 9:30 a.m. at the Katharine Cornell Theatre on Spring street.

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Island Harbors, SSA Welcome Long-Awaited Discharge Ban
Alex Elvin

The Environmental Protection Agency’s approval last week of a ban on wastewater discharge along the state coast was welcomed by Island towns and the Steamship Authority. The ban has been planned for 20 years.

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What's in a Name? The Horn Could Blow for Thee, Woods Hole
Tom Dunlop

It might not be obvious, but right from the start in 1950, the Steamship Authority has followed fairly clear lines of thought when it comes to naming ferries and freight boats.

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Steamship Authority Approves Plan for New Woods Hole Terminal
Olivia Hull

The Steamship Authority has agreed on a design concept for the new Woods Hole terminal.

The board approved the plan at their meeting last week in Nantucket, settling many aspects of a debate over terminal reconstruction that has spanned the last year.

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All Ashore: Steamship Bookings Are Up
Olivia Hull

The Island may be busier this summer, if advance reservations on the Steamship Authority are an indication.

Reservations for vehicle passage from Woods Hole to the Vineyard are up 3.5 per cent over last year, and bookings in the other direction are up 4.6 per cent, according to data collected by the Steamship Authority at the end of April.

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Coast to Coast for New Freight Boat
Sara Brown

The design process for a new Steamship Authority vessel that will replace the freight ferry Governor begins in Seattle with the Elliott Bay Design Group, the same firm that designed the Island Home. Final contract drawings and specifications are expected to be completed by the end of October.

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Village Concerns Delay SSA Decision on Woods Hole Terminal
Sara Brown

The Steamship Authority this week postponed making a decision on the proposed Woods Hole terminal redesign because of additional questions from village residents. Woods Hole community members thanked the boat line for listening.

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Boatline Takes Up New Ferry, Woods Hole Terminal Plan

Cost estimates for a ferry to replace the Governor and a plan to rebuild the Woods Hole terminal top the agenda of the Steamship Authority governors this morning. The monthly board meeting begins at 9:30 a.m. in the Marine Biological Laboratory Candle House in Woods Hole.

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Steamship Board Discusses Plans for Terminal Redesign
Sara Brown

Final designs for a new Steamship Authority ferry and terminal in Woods Hole are underway. General manager Wayne C. Lamson said the new designs should be ready and presented at next month's board of governors meeting.

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